Traci’s Blogs
Traci has written a blog a week for many years. Use the search bar to find topics of interest.
Yikes, I said "YES" when I meant "NO" again!
I’m wrapping up a tumultuous few weeks that have been nothing but GO-GO-GO. I’m tired and unable to get caught up because I've been at Hypnothoughts this past week. Hypnothoughts is the world's largest hypnosis conference, and I'm teaching and taking classes there. I'm having a great time, but at the end of the day, my body tells me I'm doing too much. I need to start saying “NO.”
The Weight You Carry Is Not Always On Your Body
Some years ago, I met a lady who was a Chinese medicine physician. We met at Hypnothoughts and struck up a conversation about how we use hypnosis. She mentioned that she used hypnotic techniques to ask her patients what their symptoms and personal history were. She noticed she had a several clients that had various pains in their breasts, or undetected breast cancer. In nearly all cases, these women had “mommy issues,” miscarriages, abortions, and/or given up babies for adoption. Her clients with endometriosis were often sexually abused.