Traci’s Blogs

Traci has written a blog a week for many years. Use the search bar to find topics of interest.

Love & Relationships Traci Kanaan Love & Relationships Traci Kanaan

Rest In Peace, My Cousin Michael

My cousin, Michael, and I were 9 years apart, but I adored him growing up.  We both loved watching Sha Na Na.  He was a big Bowser fan.  Life took us to different places, but when we caught up with each other as adults, I was surprised we had a lot of things in common, including parallel spiritual journeys

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Changing Your Focus Traci Kanaan Changing Your Focus Traci Kanaan

The Dark Side of Energy Vampires and Drama Queens

I had a situation at my condo association that sucked away 15 hours of productivity last week. While the couple in question claimed "they just wanted this problem solved," they took their complaints to Facebook, destroyed someone else's property when they didn't get their way, framed another resident for their actions, and THEN wrote their complaint letter to the condo association justifying their actions.

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Happiness & Joy Traci Kanaan Happiness & Joy Traci Kanaan

In All Seriousness, We Need Some Whimsy!

I'm president of our condo association, and last week, I had a resident inquire about purchasing a 6 ft fiberglass dinosaur for the common area behind her building. I suggested she contact her building neighbors for their opinions, as a 6 ft fiberglass dinosaur would directly impact their views.

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Health & Wellness Traci Kanaan Health & Wellness Traci Kanaan

The Importance of Appreciation and Recognition

This past Saturday, I had the honor of recognizing 75 volunteers in our community for their positive contributions.  Whether they painted picnic tables, played live music for potlucks, or served on any number of committees, all of these people gave a piece of themselves to make our community better, and most of them did so doing something they enjoyed.

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Health & Wellness Traci Kanaan Health & Wellness Traci Kanaan

NIA - Exercise Broccoli

In October of 2019, I decided I wanted to learn belly dance. I had some issues moving after not exercising for so long, so the dance studio receptionist recommended I get an "Unlimited Classes" membership and try another class called NIA.

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Happiness & Joy Traci Kanaan Happiness & Joy Traci Kanaan

The Power of Puzzles

Each Christmas, my husband and I exchange puzzles. He loves puzzles of A Christmas Story (You'll shoot your eye out!), and I love quirky puzzles that involve solving a mystery or have a puzzle inside the puzzle.

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