Traci’s Blogs
Traci has written a blog a week for many years. Use the search bar to find topics of interest.
Just Because You’re Good At Being The Hero, Doesn’t Mean You HAVE To Be The Hero
I’m the current President of our condo association, and we have a situation in our condo association where the Licensed Condo Association Manager is retiring. We received 40 resumes. 15 had the required licensing.
Finding Harmony: Balancing Your Temperament with Colors
A dear friend of mine has been going through some major life changes this past year, including the death of her husband and a significant change in employment. She's been slowly replacing her "stuff" and social media profile with things that are pink.
Rest In Peace, My Cousin Michael
My cousin, Michael, and I were 9 years apart, but I adored him growing up. We both loved watching Sha Na Na. He was a big Bowser fan. Life took us to different places, but when we caught up with each other as adults, I was surprised we had a lot of things in common, including parallel spiritual journeys
Creating The Place: Setting Your Stage for Success
When I did standup comedy, I had a routine I'd follow: Arrive at the show 30 minutes before the doors open. Set up my keyboard. Put on my corset. Enjoy a shot of Crown Royal (unless I was stressed, then two, three, or four shots of Crown Royal).
The Dark Side of Energy Vampires and Drama Queens
I had a situation at my condo association that sucked away 15 hours of productivity last week. While the couple in question claimed "they just wanted this problem solved," they took their complaints to Facebook, destroyed someone else's property when they didn't get their way, framed another resident for their actions, and THEN wrote their complaint letter to the condo association justifying their actions.
In All Seriousness, We Need Some Whimsy!
I'm president of our condo association, and last week, I had a resident inquire about purchasing a 6 ft fiberglass dinosaur for the common area behind her building. I suggested she contact her building neighbors for their opinions, as a 6 ft fiberglass dinosaur would directly impact their views.
How Micro-Traumas Can Make Big Impacts
I don't like admitting this, but even though I'm a reasonably high-functioning person, I have spent much of my life struggling with weight, self-esteem, and perfectionism. My childhood was relatively uneventful. I wasn't abused.
The Importance of Appreciation and Recognition
This past Saturday, I had the honor of recognizing 75 volunteers in our community for their positive contributions. Whether they painted picnic tables, played live music for potlucks, or served on any number of committees, all of these people gave a piece of themselves to make our community better, and most of them did so doing something they enjoyed.
NIA - Exercise Broccoli
In October of 2019, I decided I wanted to learn belly dance. I had some issues moving after not exercising for so long, so the dance studio receptionist recommended I get an "Unlimited Classes" membership and try another class called NIA.
Is "Hypnosis" For Real? YES.
Allow Me To Introduce You To A Few Other Hypnotists You Already Know
The Hypnotic Pull of Everyday Influences
You might think hypnosis is something reserved for magicians or therapists. But what if I told you that you're being hypnotized every single day?
Who Am I Now? The Journey of Reducing My Belongings
When we rented our storage unit in 2021, it was only supposed to be for a year. We were going to build a house. After several costly disappointments, we decided not to build our dream home and bought another condo. And now, it was time to clean out that storage unit.
The Power of Puzzles
Each Christmas, my husband and I exchange puzzles. He loves puzzles of A Christmas Story (You'll shoot your eye out!), and I love quirky puzzles that involve solving a mystery or have a puzzle inside the puzzle.