Traci’s Blogs
Traci has written a blog a week for many years. Use the search bar to find topics of interest.
5 Steps To Be More Honest With Yourself
Some years ago, a dear friend of mine asked me how things were going.
“Everything’s great! Why do you ask?”
He then said he had noticed that I didn’t seem very happy. I was going through the motions, but without my usual joy and enthusiasm. He then got more personal, and asked how things were with my then relationship. I got quiet. I wasn’t happy in my relationship and my friend knew it. I had been struggling with my unhappiness for many years. From the outside, it appeared that I had no reason to complain about my life. I had all the things most people could ever want! I had a successful partner, a nice house, a fun career…but I was miserable. Being an emotional person, I felt something was wrong but I couldn’t express what it was.
Do You Believe In Your Own Potential?
COVID changed our lives for ever, and as a result I had to make changes in how I do business. I had to rethink what I wanted out of life and reshape a few goals I had set for myself. Some of them I wasn’t sure about. They seemed stupid, silly, or just plain impossible. I decided that even though my new goals were lofty, I had to try. If I just broken them down into small enough steps, I could achieve them. But then I had my doubts. Could I do it? I’d never done anything like this before. What if I failed?