The Perpetual Promises of Panaceas

Every day, my social media and email are bombarded by "panaceas," universal remedies and programs that are supposed to fix every ailment and woe known to man. I'm under an endless solicitation of exercise programs, patches, liquids, potions, pills, and powders that are supposed to make me feel better, live longer, and be healthier.

Suppose you start doing research on the internet about these panaceas. You read the reviews and often learn they don't work as promised, have crappy customer service, they're scams, and then sell your information to other lists you don't want to be on. Not only are you more frustrated, but you're still not feeling your best.

This has somehow created a whole population of people who feel they can't do anything on their own, constantly spending money on programs, pills, exercise equipment, and diet plans that fail to deliver.

I'm learning from my own health journey with Hashimoto's (hypothyroidism) that there is no "one" panacea. I've been to two doctors about my condition, a holistic osteopath and an endocrinologist, and both had conflicting views on what I should be doing to improve my health. When I researched Hashimoto's online, I read many contradictory opinions on what I should and shouldn't do. It's maddening…absolutely maddening.

Whether you're healthy or not, here are a few free things I've learned to do to take better care of myself:

Change your attitude about your health. A positive mindset about your health will do more for your health than any pill, exercise program, or diet. Affirmations like "I am happy and healthy!" will do more for your well-being than asking questions like "What's wrong with me?" and "Why do I always feel bad?"

Move your body. People who don't move tend to feel stuck and depressed more than people who don't move. Note…I did not say "exercise"; I said, "MOVE." Moving means getting out of your chair, listening to what your body needs, and moving your body in good ways. This can be a few dance steps, a stretch, a yoga pose, or just adjusting your joints.

Focus on happy memories and thoughts, and practice remembering those happy times. If you focus on your good memories, you have planted your soul in good soil and watered your spirit in happiness. Everyone knows someone who obsesses over their dysfunctional family or abusive partners. Those people tend to be a bit more fucked up because they've planted their souls in a landfill of shitty memories.

Clear your mind daily, and allow yourself some grace. Clear your mind by meditating for 5 minutes, creating an intention for your day, or reminding yourself why you do what you do. Spending 5 quiet minutes emptying your mind is all you need to remove your mental trash. Develop a daily ritual to ground yourself, remind yourself why you do what you do, and focus on where your actions each day will take you. Don't ruminate on your failures if your day didn't go as planned. Use the time to forgive yourself and focus on what you can do better next time.

Your mind is your most powerful healing tool, over and above anything you could buy online. Implementing the simple changes outlined above will result in notable changes in your health…and every one of them is free! As much as I love hypnosis, it is not a panacea. The one thing hypnosis can do is help you reverse years of toxic thoughts and disempowering belief systems, exponentially improving the quality of your life in as little as 90 minutes. Unfortunately, I can't sit on top of your shoulders and bitchslap the negativity out of your head and mouth. Your results will equal the time you put into practicing "happiness," which can only be done by ensuring you remain laser-focused on what's right with your life.


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