Traci’s Blogs
Are you controlling the quarantine, or is the quarantine controlling you?
As the quarantine continues, I find my friends and family in varying states of emotional health. Some of my friends lost their jobs and are trying to figure out unemployment. Some of my friends are worried about losing their business and trying to get an SBA Loan. Some of my friends are working 18+ hour days trying to uncover new ways of doing business. Some of my friends are heading to work at the hospital, overworked and wondering if today is they day they get infected. Some of my friends are questioning the seriousness of the disease. Others are grieving the loss of a loved one who passed from the virus, and upset they were not able to be there to say their goodbyes upon risking infection. Times like these bring out the best in people! People are donating blood, volunteering to make masks and take food to those who can't get out. Times like these also bring out the worst in people. I read the stories about idiots coughing on produce at grocery stores, spitting on packages, and scammers preying on those wanting a cure from Corona Virus.
Covid-19 and Grief
30 more days of social distancing...ugh!
We are watching history unfold in front of our eyes. Never in our lifetimes have we seen such an unprecented event such as COVID-19. As I watch my friends post the good, the bad, and the ugly on Facebook, I see a larger trend emerging...GRIEF. Everyone is morning the loss of "the way things were."
Ikigai, Joy & Life Purpose
I should eat vegetables.
I should read more.
I should go back to school.
I should play fewer video games.
I should...I should...I should...
Whimzeyland in Largo, FL The Bowling Ball House
I noticed that I was spending my life in thoughts of "I should..." instead of "What do I truly enjoy?" and "What is my life's purpose?" People I've known in the past always struggled because they truly believe life is supposed to be hard and unfair.