The Hilarity and Hypnosis Approach Intensive

Attention Hypnotherapists!

Are your sessions draining, burning you out, or just not fun?

You got into this business to help people, but you’re finding yourself exhausted at the end of the day.  You want to make a difference, but the constant exposure to the negativity of your clients is taking a toll on your mental health and well-being.

You are tired of the tears and boxes of Kleenex your clients are going through to get to “the other side.” You find yourself “hardened” to your client’s pain.  You’ve heard it all before. You have “that client” that is stuck and can’t get past whatever it is they’re stuck on. You want to add a little extra fun to your sessions, but you’re not really sure how.

So where does all that leave you?

You’re frustrated.  You dreamed about making a difference but never imagined the toll your client’s problems would have on you.

You’re burnt out.  You’ve done the same techniques over and over, and while they may be effective, it’s getting to be “old hat.”

You’re tired of hearing the client with the same old problems and need a new way to show them just how stuck they are in their life.

What if there was a way for you to make the same difference in your client’s lives…AND have fun getting them there?

Just because you’re a hypnotherapist, doesn’t mean you have to be all serious to get those last changes.  You can get the same lasting changes in your clients without hating your job. 

…EVEN IF you think you don’t have a sense of humor

…EVEN IF you think you’re not funny

…EVEN IF you think you can’t tell a joke

Who am I? And how do i know this?

Hello!  I’m Traci Kanaan…and I was in your shoes.  I was an internationally touring stand-up comedian who was tired of the travel and decided to become a hypnotist.  I had an interest in hypnosis for years, and decided that I should become “Certified” so I plunked down $8000 for hypnotherapy school. 

200 hours into the program, we began studying regression.  I watched video after video, client after client, punching a pillow, screaming in agony at the top of their lungs about family members and friends who had done terrible things to them.  After spending 15 years making people laugh, I couldn’t believe my eyes.  What the f*** was this?  I knew there had to be a better way to get my clients past their traumas, without having to subject myself and my client to reliving their past EVERY SINGLE SESSION.

I did what I had to do to graduate, but I kept studying with other hypnotists and learning any technique I could to get changes as quickly as possible. 

One day, one of my clients who was fighting with her abusive boyfriend came in.  I asked her to make a list of everything he said that made her cry.  He told her “I wish I had never f**ked you.”  “I hate you and our baby.”  “You tried to trap me you little f**king whore.”  And the list went on.

As she read the list, she started crying.  “Uh oh!  I’m not doing this again.”  I happened to have a rubber chicken that I had bought for $5 from Big Lots, and I handed it to her.  I told her I was going to read each sentence, and whenever she got triggered all she had to do was squeeze the chicken.

I read the first phrase and she squeezed it right away.  It let out a weird Ba-GAWK! sound and my client stopped in her tracks.  And then she did the one thing I never expected her to do…she started laughing.  My comedy instincts kicked in, and I said “What’s so funny?  He’s truly sorry he never f***ed you.”  She kept laughing.  I went back through and with a straight face said, “Maybe this next phrase will hurt more.”  I read it…and she squeezed the chicken again and started laughing even harder.  The spell was broken!  She could no longer could hear those horrible words without thinking about a rubber chicken.  I knew I was on to something.  What if I used my 15 years as a comedian to break bad trances with laughter, instead of tears? 

She left my office admitting that she got more out of her 90-minute session than 10 years of therapy!

From Boo Hoo to HA HA! in 90 minutes or less

Save yourself and your client HOURS of crying, blowing their nose, screaming, punching, kicking, and yelling.   Break the bad trances your client is experiencing with genuine, sincere laughter.  Even the most stuck clients don’t stand a chance at holding on to the very things that keep them from advancing.

In The Hilarity & Hypnosis Approach Intensive, you’ll learn…

  • How to take your client’s sob story, and get them laughing about it within a 90-minute session.

  • You’ll learn how to stop your client’s annoying, repetitive, and destructive thought patterns in their tracks, just by mentioning things they find funny

  • You’ll learn how to make fun with your client, not make fun OF your client

  • You’ll have clients eager to come back to week after week…and you’ll be happier going to work week after week as well

  • You’ll have several fast and easy protocols that are fun for you and hilarious for your client.

Here’s what my students had to say about The Hilarity And Hypnosis Approach class

Are you ready to start having fun as a hypnotherapist…

and have your clients leave your office laughing while thanking you for helping them see their lives in a hilarious new way?

Once you learn how to make fun of yourself and get you laughing about YOUR life, you can easily apply those techniques to your clients.  This course took place over a 6-week period with 2 students, both hypnotists looking to add more “funny” into their hypnotherapy practices.  This is an in-depth, deep dive into The HAHA! Techniques.

Here’s what you’ll get with HAHA! Intensive:

  • Your Downloadable HAHA! Manual

  • Forms You Need For Your HAHA! Sessions

Videos and Materials Covering The Following:

  • Meet Your Instructor

  • The Principles Behind HAHA! (The Hilarity & Hypnosis Approach!)

  • A Quick Overview of Hypnosis Basics

  • Traditional Hypnosis vs Waking or Covert Hypnosis

  • Why People Laugh, and Why HAHA! Works

  • The Basics of Joke Writing

  • Set Up and Punch

  • The Secrets of Comedians You Need To Know

  • What’s So Punny?  8th Grade Language Hacks You Forgot

  • The Complete HAHA! Session Protocol

  • Turning Your Client’s Pity Parties Into Punchlines

When you consider everything The Hilarity and Hypnosis Approach has to offer, it’s a no-brainer.

The price is quite small compared to the raves you’ll get from your clients, who are thrilled to be laughing at the very things that held them captive for decades.  The price is small compared to the stress and anxious feelings you’re having listening to clients cry and scream for hours.  How much does it cost to love what you do for a living all over again, compared to going to work and being barraged with the negative energy and memories of clients?

If you’re ready to start loving your life as a hypnotherapist again because your clients love your sessions…then rest assured, your investment in the program is covered because…


If you are not satisfied for any reason, I will refund your investment. 

No questions asked!  Your purchase is risk-free! 

Traci A. Kanaan, Owner of Wings Hypnosis, LLC

Start Living Your Best Life Now

Start Living Your Best Life Now

Hilarity & Hypnosis Approach (HAHA!) Intensive
One time
For 3 months

This course was offered to two students who wanted a deep dive into The Hilarity and Hypnosis Approach, and got it! Learn the subtleties of The HAHA!, and begin making incredibly hilarious changes in the lives of your clients within a few hours.

✓ 12 Hours of Instruction
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Downloadable workbook & course materials
✓ Fall in love your job as a hypnotherapist all over again
✓ Save thousands on tissues, because you won't need em'