Traci’s Blogs
Achieve Your Goals Faster with These Time-Saving Hacks
I realized just a few days before Christmas that I had worked 90+ days without a day off. I could tell I was burned out, but I had so much to do. And why was my to-do list so long? Oh yeah, that's right. I over-committed myself and took on too much.
Living Life On Your Own Terms
Maybe you haven’t missed my newsletter for the last 2 weeks, but I have! I’ve been insanely busy these past few weeks. I’m not complaining…but sometimes it gets in the way of writing my blog. I added teaching two, 6 week courses to my schedule. The courses are 2 hours each, so by the time I prepare what I’m going to teach, teach, and then edit the videos of what I just taught…I’ve lost about 10 hours a week that was normally used for marketing, writing, and planning. Those two weeks I was at or near a full client load. The little spare time I have left used to prepare us for another move.
Revolutionizing Resolutions
2021 is wrapping up, and the beginning of 2022 is just days away. Congratulate yourself on all your accomplishments in 2021, whether 2022 was a breeze or your toughest year ever. All that matters is you got through it, so celebrate your successes and be proud!
While you’re in this positive state of mind, let’s use this week to set some REAL and REALISTIC goals for 2022. I’m all about helping my clients live the life they’ve always dreamed about, so here are a few goal setting worksheets you can use to set a path for success yourself regardless of your goal.