Traci’s Blogs

Traci has written a blog a week for many years. Use the search bar to find topics of interest.

Health & Wellness Traci Kanaan Health & Wellness Traci Kanaan

The Bodacious Benefits of Baking Soda Baths

When I was diagnosed with Hashimotos, my holistic osteopath gave me quite a few "alternative" suggestions on how to help my condition by lowering my stress and joint pain. One of her suggestions was to take a baking soda bath twice a week, with a 1/2 to 1 cup of baking soda, for 20-30 minutes. I had not heard of anything like this before, so why not try it? It was an easy ask, compared to monthly IV treatments and handfuls of supplements.  

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Changing Your Focus Traci Kanaan Changing Your Focus Traci Kanaan

Change Your Language, Change Your Life

I hate when I....

I'm so bad at...

I'm too skinny/too fat...

These are some of the language patterns I hear daily from my clients. They are telling me the words they've repeated to themselves for much of their lives. And they wonder why they're not happy! The problem is that they are only aware of how they talk to themselves once I point it out. In most cases, my clients have grown up in a toxic environment, with those words being repeated over and over. Then those words eventually became a reality!  

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