EP11: The Magical Healing Powers of Hypnosis...and Fart Sound

The Hilarious Hypnotist accidentally attended a class by Robert Gene Smith in 2020 and saw a video of him using a fart sound app to help one of his clients break a memory about being raped. It was quick, it was effective, and it was funny! And Traci was hooked!

Inspired by how Robert used humor to create lasting changes, Traci began incorporating many of his techniques into her own work. And in this episode, she welcomes Robert to share his story about his path to hypnosis and what led him to develop a series of techniques called Faster EFT - combining Neuro Linguistic Programming and Tapping for turbo-charged changes in his clients.


- Robert Gene Smith’s history through hypnosis

- Why logic alone cannot solve your emotional problems

- “The most important thing is the mechanics of the mind”

- Collapsing difficult memories with laughter

- Memories don’t die - they just show up in different shoes

- How to release pain and update your brain’s programming


“The smartest part about you is not your consciousness. And if you're not aware and intelligent enough to understand how to drive the smart part, which is your limbic operating system, which is your unconscious, it will make you do weird stuff.”

“The problem is, life is always changing without your permission. Those who live the longest, those who are the happiest, are the most resilient. They figured out how to process this information to move forward.”


EP12: Valentina - From Hard Life to Model and Wife, a "TAIL" of Abuse, Trafficking and Kidnapping


EP10: Retraining Your Brain For Happiness