Traci’s Blogs

Traci has written a blog a week for many years. Use the search bar to find topics of interest.

Changing Your Focus Traci Kanaan Changing Your Focus Traci Kanaan

Over Thinking What Goes Under Me

As Doug and I are preparing to move into our new condo, we had to make a serious decision: what should we do with the floor? We had the flooring removed due to a mold/mildew problem. A few weeks ago, we went to a big box floor and tile place and chose a tile that would work with our quirky furniture.

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Changing Your Focus Traci Kanaan Changing Your Focus Traci Kanaan

The Joy of Having Less Sh*t

It was a beautiful weekend here in Florida…and I spent 99% of the weekend inside. My husband is on antibiotics for an infection, and I’m recovering from a fall the previous weekend that left me with a skinned knee. We decided to make the most of our weekend by being productive. We moved into this condo a year ago and had 2 closets that were not being utilized properly. Doug made shelves for the closets and went through the garage and storage unit, and I went through drawers and bins in the kitchen, bathroom, and craft room, and began pitching stuff we no longer had a need for.

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Happiness & Joy Traci Kanaan Happiness & Joy Traci Kanaan

Ikigai, Joy & Life Purpose

I should eat vegetables.

I should read more.

I should go back to school.

I should play fewer video games.

I should...I should...I should...

Whimzeyland in Largo, FL The Bowling Ball House

I noticed that I was spending my life in thoughts of "I should..." instead of "What do I truly enjoy?" and "What is my life's purpose?" People I've known in the past always struggled because they truly believe life is supposed to be hard and unfair.

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