Traci’s Blogs
Forgiving Your Mother: A Step Towards Inner Peace
While I feel honored to have helped so many on their healing journey, first as a comedian and now as a hypnotist, I sometimes forget that I must pay attention to my healing journey. I started experiencing a series of health issues that I hadn't experienced in several months.
How to Deal with Personal Attacks on Your Character
I'll spare you the details...but my character was attacked this past week. It was a verbal assault, and it caught me entirely off guard. Whether these attacks come from someone you know or a stranger, online or in person, they are never easy to handle. Learn how to cope with personal attacks more effectively.
The Bodacious Benefits of Baking Soda Baths
When I was diagnosed with Hashimotos, my holistic osteopath gave me quite a few "alternative" suggestions on how to help my condition by lowering my stress and joint pain. One of her suggestions was to take a baking soda bath twice a week, with a 1/2 to 1 cup of baking soda, for 20-30 minutes. I had not heard of anything like this before, so why not try it? It was an easy ask, compared to monthly IV treatments and handfuls of supplements.
Two Hands To Reduce Your Stress
It's been two years since I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism. My body has become highly sensitive to stress, and the higher my stress is, the more thyroid fatigue I experience. To keep my stress levels down, I have to pay attention to my food intake, work responsibilities, and social schedule.
Do You Need A “Life Detox”?
It’s been 2 years since being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism. It’s been quite an interesting journey. I was reviewing with my doctor all the changes I’ve made these past two years:
Getting Over "Overwhelm"
Do you have too many tasks and not enough time to do them? It's frustrating, to say the least! Here are some tips on how to manage your workload to the best of your ability:
🌟 Prioritize Tasks
Create a list of everything you need to do and then apply the Eisenhower Box technique:
What "AI" Has To Say About The Bad Advice We Give Ourselves
From Traci:
Since it's April Fool's Day, I asked "AI" "What are some bad pieces of advice that people already give themselves?" Here's what AI had to say...
From AI:
Oh, the human brain is a treasure trove of bad advice that we generously give ourselves, often without even asking for it! Here's a roundup of some classic self-sabotage pearls of "wisdom" that we should probably chuck into the abyss of no return:
The Funk Strikes Again!
Last week was a tough week. It started with a trip to Quest Diagnostics to get my annual bloodwork to see how my Hashimoto's hypothyroid is doing. I'm a notoriously tricky stick. I think about having my blood drawn, and my veins shrivel up into nothing. I have learned over the years that I do pretty well with a butterfly needle, so I always make it a point to politely ask the phlebotomist to use one. This day was different. I got the phlebotomist, who did not like me telling her how to do her job. She told me she would see for herself and determine which needle to use.
The Cloud 9 Collection
If you want to master a sport, you have to consistently practice the skills to excel at that sport. If you're going to master an art form, you have to consistently practice the skills to excel at that art form. If you want to master happiness, you need to consistently practice the skills to excel at being happy!
The Importance of Role Models
This week, I'll be honoring the 7th anniversary of my mother's passing. Whenever I come up on her birth date or death date, I can't help but think about what she (and my father, also gone) would think about my life now.
"Get to the Choppa!"
Yesterday was Doug's and my first wedding anniversary. We have been stressed getting another condo ready for Airbnb, so we decided a weekend getaway would do us some good.
My Whole 30 Challenge
As I approach my two mark on being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, I think of all the changes I made in my life. I had already given up gluten, dairy, and soy, as they cause severe pain in my entire body. I had given up nightshades (tomatoes, eggplant, and ALL peppers), which caused severe indigestion.