Traci’s Blogs

Changing Your Focus Traci Kanaan Changing Your Focus Traci Kanaan

When Your Blog Goes Bye-Bye

My assistant and I have a system in place for how we get our newsletters done. I write the blog, find the photos I want to use, get the quote, and then put it into a form. I wrote this amazing blog about how my community came together in Hurricane Milton. I put the information in the form, sent my assistant a message that it was ready, and then went to bed.

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Changing Your Focus Traci Kanaan Changing Your Focus Traci Kanaan

Counting Your Blessings: Finding Joy in Difficult Times

Hurricane Helene just blew by Florida, wreaking havoc here and throughout multiple states: 56 deaths and counting. Thankfully, we live about 25 miles from the Gulf of Mexico, so we went through the hurricane just fine. However, I glanced at Facebook and realized how lucky we were. One of my friends had 3 feet of water in her home. Another lost her car

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Health & Wellness Traci Kanaan Health & Wellness Traci Kanaan

Your Body Hears What Your Mind Thinks

I went to a Hypnosis Conference about ten years ago when I bumped into a Chinese medicine physician. I was telling her about a young lady I worked with who was having phantom pains in her abdomen when she was having sex. After visiting multiple doctors and undergoing countless MRIs, X-rays, and CAT scans, which turned up nothing, she turned to another hypnotist, who referred her to me.

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Changing Your Focus Traci Kanaan Changing Your Focus Traci Kanaan

Over Thinking What Goes Under Me

As Doug and I are preparing to move into our new condo, we had to make a serious decision: what should we do with the floor? We had the flooring removed due to a mold/mildew problem. A few weeks ago, we went to a big box floor and tile place and chose a tile that would work with our quirky furniture.

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Happiness & Joy Traci Kanaan Happiness & Joy Traci Kanaan

Surrounding Yourself With Joy

Doug and I moved from a split-level condo into a 2nd-floor condo two years ago. I was having trouble navigating the constant steps of living in a split-level condo, not knowing my thyroid was in crisis mode as I had not yet been diagnosed with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism. We intended for this condo to be a short-term housing solution until we could build our dream home.

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